
After technical analysis, user interviews and non-moderated tests, I could visualize better where the user has and doesn't have problems.

This following list is about the highlighted problems after the process.

Solution hypothesis

Keeping in mind that this project has as focus Mobile first, here are the changes that I assume be the solution.

This is a list of how I plan to solve the problems.


The primary research allowed me to build a persona that would have interest and possibly become a client.

Mike, 28 years old. He's a digital influencer that likes to travel to show different places and take pictures with his fashion outfits. While he's at home, his work demands to find new clothes, sneakers and accessories to create authentic outfits. It's important to him to know about new releases, then he can structure some trips with his comercial partners. He also is very active on Instagram, one time that is a big channel to share and see fashion news.